Copyright. Barefoot Beachcombers Club.  All rights reserved


Jan 20

Clermont Waterfront Park
No trip planned
Madeira Beach/John's Pass
Nokomis Beach

2020 Beach Trips

To join us on this trip, you must have gone on at least one BBC trip in 2019.

Obviously, if you wish to go on this day trip by car, the travel cost could be shared among the riders.  If you prefer to go by bus, the cost would be $10 (non-refundable). Since Lamers, Lilly’s on the Lake, and the Presidents Hall of Fame need to know in advance how many guests they can expect, we’d appreciate it if you’d print the reservation form (click on green button below) and mail it along with your check (made out to the BBC) for
$10per person to the address below. On January 11, we will conduct our lottery and you will be notified the next day of your seat confirmation or waitlist status. 

We hope you'll join us for this new adventure! 

where we’re hoping to offer live entertainment in this outdoor area.

Liability Waiver:  The BBC has a revised Liability Waiver specific to our club.  Even if you have signed a liability release form in the past for our club, we are asking that you sign the revised one. This will only need to be done one time; not yearly as in the past.  Please click on link below, print and sign, and give the form to your bus leader on this trip. 

And here’s Sharon’s dog napping below his favorite new picture from At Home.
Think they’re cousins??

Barefoot Beachcombers Club (‘BBC’ will also suffice)
333 Colony Blvd. #110
The Villages, FL 32162

You could instead hand your addressed envelope to a person at the counter at Safe Ship in Colony Plaza, saving you the stamp.

Happy New Year, Beachcombers!

The Barefoot Beachcombers Club would love to start off the next decade by introducing you to some of the charming sites in nearby Clermont, including their lovely waterfront park on January 20th.

You can arrive there in about 55 mins. by either carpooling with friends or by Lamers bus.   The advantage to the bus will be explained further on.

We can begin by setting up our beach chairs on the sand to relax by the water’s shore at the Clermont Waterfront Park on Lake Minneola.  Although there are plenty of swimmers there in the summer, because it’s too cold to swim now, we’ll offer games like corn hole toss and golf ladder to help amuse you.

**To open the printable versions, move your cursor to the left hand side of the blue or green button.  Your cursor will then turn into a hand.  Once it does, click on the button and the print version will open in a new window.

Do these gentlemen in their elegant dining room look familiar ??

 Now you see why a bus basement—rather than a car’s trunk-- might come in handy holding your purchases !!!

Then again, if you’d prefer to be educated and inspired by “a GEM of a museum for history lovers,” go instead to our second option--The Presidents Hall of Fame in Clermont.  There are countless pieces of presidential memorabilia and a miniature (?) White House, 60' long and 20' wide, that gives you a sneak peak inside. This replica has been to all 50 states and on display at the Smithsonian American History Museum. The museum’s volunteers are welcoming and have so much information to share.  Even though the museum is small, people report having spent about 2 hours there but felt they could have spent more time. 

TripAdvisor gives the museum a 4-star rating.

And you thought you had to go all the way to South Dakota to have your picture taken at Mount Rushmore.

The cost of this visit to the Presidents Hall of Fame is $11.75 which you would pay there.

observing the playground and splash park that the younger members of your family could enjoy on their next visit with you.

or non-walkers could drive just 0.7 mi. to the picturesque

Lilly’s on the Lake restaurant 

We’re coming but will drive ourselves:  (please provide names of people traveling together)
Print your name(s):   _______________________________________________________________________________________________


We wish to go to the Clermont sites by Lamers Bus (provide name (s)) and have enclosed $10 per person transportation cost.  Print your name(s):




If you are on the Lamers bus, you will have your choice of going to either “At Home” or the “Presidents Hall of Fame.”  Please enter your name(s) below if you intend to go to the Hall of Fame.  (You will pay upon arrival there.)   __________________________________________________________________________________




At Lilly’s, you’ll enjoy a delicious lunch while savoring the view from either inside or outside the restaurant.  Click on the blue button to see the special menu they are offering to us!

Consider taking a leisurely stroll to lunch in about 13 minutes along this beautiful flat waterfront walkway called the Lake Apopka Trail....


Or you can just relax and enjoy a pleasant conversation with old and new friends on one of the many benches along this southern shore of the lake or fish from this tempting pier.

Following lunch, you might want to consider one of two optional excursions we are suggesting.  The first one is Sharon’s favorite home décor store just 7 minutes away.  She and friends have come home with carloads of new home décor items.  This is where the bus basement might come in handy. The store is named At Home and, as you can see, is the size of a Home Depot or Lowe’s. 

Even if you don’t have even one more inch of wall, floor, or lanai space in your home, just walking through their 2 million lovely décor items will brighten your smile and elicit oohs and ahhhs!

Here are just a few of the reasonably-priced things Sharon bought on her last outing there.

You can also study this one-of-a-kind depiction of the construction of the White House begun in 1792, complete with animated “workers”, lights, and sounds.